Toddler Program

The Toddler Class provides a gentle introduction to school as children learn how to be part of a classroom community, separating from parents and interacting and playing alongside peers. The Toddler day offers opportunities for sensory play and art, math and literacy exploration.

Children learn to make choices and practice self-help skills.

Children learn to make choices and practice
self-help skills.

Indoor learning centers introduce children to math concepts including counting and color and shape recognition through play with puzzles and blocks.

In the library, children learn to handle books, look at books independently and listen to stories read aloud.

In the library, children learn to handle books, look at books independently and listen to stories read aloud.

A group Circle Time builds community through stories, songs, finger plays and movement activities.

A group Circle Time builds community through stories, songs, finger plays and movement activities.

On the playground, toddlers have opportunities to develop gross motor skills including runnning, climbing and balancing on our various structures. Our outdoor mud kitchen complete with natural materials invite children to use their senses.

On the playground, toddlers have opportunities to develop gross motor skills including runnning, climbing and balancing on our various structures. Our outdoor mud kitchen complete with natural materials invite children to use their senses as they explore nature.

Children begin to explore through sensory art and play, strengthening their five senses where they become accustomed to investigating and creating.

Children begin to explore through sensory art and play, strengthening their five senses where they become accustomed to investigating and creating.